A Guide to Windows and Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas
Bushfires in Australia are almost a common occurrence during the hotter months due to Australia’s hot and dry climate. Bushfire events in New South Wales, South Australia, Canberra and Victoria have been the most tragic bushfires events to occur in Australia’s history.
In response to recent devastating bushfires, the Australian Standards 3959 has been updated and republished AS3959:2009. At the time of publication Victoria and ACT have adapted the new standard for construction. All other states will adapt the new standard in 2010; the building code of Australia will reference the new standard on the 1st May 2010. The old standard had 4 levels of bushfire attack; the new standard has 6 levels of severity expressed as bushfire attack levels (BAL):

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)
Description of predicted bushfire attack and levels of exposure
- BAL – LOW : There is insufficient risk to warrant specific construction requirements
- BAL – 12.5 : Ember attack
- BAL – 19 : Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 12.5 and 19 kW m2
- BAL – 29 : Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux between 19 and 29 kW m2
- BAL – 40 :Increasing levels of ember attack and burning debris ignited by windborne embers together with increasing heat flux with the increased likelihood of exposure to flames
- BAL – FZ : Direct exposure to flames from fire front in addition to heat flux and ember attack
Bushfire guidelines
Click the button below to view a booklet that further explains bushfire guidelines.